Off the Grid
Keeping outdoor tourism sustainable for the generations to come
As a self-contained community operating entirely off-grid, we have been recognized internationally for our environmental initiatives. At the heart of our value system is the idea of doing more with less, and this applies to all levels of our operation. Since 1959, we have fostered principles of sustainable tourism and travel. Our programs place a great emphasis on self-propelled travel with the ultimate goal of fostering connections to the land and each other. In business, we aim to marry enriching experiences with vacation comfort, showcasing the potential for what can be achieved while still living off grid.
If you have further questions about our sustainability efforts, or suggestions for how we can further improve, please email us at
We operate on a minimal footprint, using only what we need. Our operations are powered by hydro-electric generated with our own Pelton Wheel. Meanwhile, the water we use is sourced from Upper Campbell Lake, heated with passive solar technology, and treated using UV filters to ensure drinkable standards. In our everyday practices, we religiously follow the three “Rs” of sustainability (reduce, reuse, recycle).

We are privileged to be in close proximity to the pristine wilderness of Strathcona Provincial Park. This proximity is one of many reasons we take environmental stewardship so seriously. In discussions that surround salmon and environmental conservation efforts we are a key voice, and we often consult with resource companies and community groups to protect environmentally sensitive areas. In our sustainability efforts we are always looking to lead the way, setting an industry standard at formal organizational levels.

- 2004 – Environmentally Responsible Tourism Award from Tourism BC and the Council of Tourism Associations of BC.
- 2003 – Josh Miner ’43 Award for “outstanding leadership in the fields of experiential and outdoor education” awarded to co-executive director Christine Clarke from Princeton University
- 1986 – Heaslip Award for Environmental Stewardship from the United Nations Environment Program, awarded to Jim and Myrna Boulding
- 1986 – Second in B.C. in the Quality of Life and Physical Environment Category of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce Award for Best Business Achievement (A.B.B.A.)